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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæŋˌlænd] 英式发音: ['ɡæŋ.lænd]



n.underworld,organized crime,vice,racketeering



1.盗匪世界;黑社会the world of organized and violent crime

gangland killings犯罪集团间的杀戮

adj.1.relating to organized crime, or to the people who are involved in it

1.黑社会 黑客 hacker 黑社会 Mafia-style organizations;gangland 宏观调控 macro-control ...


4.黑社会火拼 ... Ganges 恒河 gangland 盗匪多的 gangle 笨拙 ...

6.黑帮争霸 ... Full Spectrum Warrior《 全方位战士》 Gangland黑帮争霸》 Hitman:Contracts《 刺客任务:密约 …

7.黑社会基本解释 ... 黑社会基本解释 gangland 解散了,"神童"( The Prodigy ) ...


1.The gangland master shooed him and said before he left: You know too much.走的时候丢下一句:你知道的太多了。

2.Two of Mr Coke's brothers and a sister have been shot dead over the years, either by gangland killers or in shoot-outs with police.科克先生有两名兄弟和一名姐妹被枪杀,不是被黑帮杀手所击毙就是在和警察的枪战中丧生。

3.The name stuck, and three decades later it would become associated with sadistic gangland slayings.这名字还在,而且30年后,它竟然和残忍的黑帮屠杀联系在一起。

4.In an echo of its gangland reputation, the territory has experienced the first murder of a casino manager since 1996.澳门最近出现了1996年以来首例赌场经理被杀案件,令人联想起当地的黑帮名声。

5.It takes the period froufrou out of Shakespeare's Scottish play by setting it in present - day Melbourne gangland .它选取了莎士比亚苏格兰戏剧中的时期,把它放在今天——墨尔本黑社会的日子。

6.As a sub-cultural group, gangland has its own psychological features, which decide its behavioral patterns.黑社会作为一个亚文化群,有其独特的心理特征,而这种心理特征又决定了其组织行为方式。

7.A teenager was stopped by a gangland master in an alley. Gangland master asked: one plus one equal?一个黑社会老大在巷口睹住一个年青人,问他:一加一等于几。

8.Rural Cumbria is hardly gangland, but it is home to a chunk of the 1. 4m shotguns that are legally registered in Britain.Cumbria乡村地区鲜有盗匪,但是也有很大一块多大140万是向英国注册的合法猎枪。

9.The head of gangland keeps violating the law. He is also suspected that he murders a police officer.黑社会头目雷老大作奸犯科无恶不作,更涉嫌杀害警员。

10.The party and government are the real and major gangland powers.党和政府才是最大的黑恶势力啊。
